
Friday, March 09, 2007

TRJ #6 five star Q

“After you had it, there isn’t even life without drugs.”(83)

I chose this quote as “five-star quote” because this quote tells how scary and addicting drug is. And it is one of important theme in this book. Alice’s life is destroyed from drug. Alice seems like recovering herself as her family supports her, but she wasn’t. Her life was already destroyed and could not be fixed. I was shocked by epilogue in this book. Epilogue told me that Alice died three weeks after she stopped writing the diary. This whole diary leads to happy end. And I thought that I was a happy ending book. But it wasn’t, she became very happy, and much healthier than when she was taking drugs. I thought Alice will have happy life afterward, but I was wrong. As the quote says, there isn’t even life if you take drugs. I learned lots of things from this quote. How scary drug is and how it is being a major problem in this corrupted world. This quote was also written on the book cover. This quote gives very strong feelings and I knew that it was the five-star. I have finished my book, and that quote remained in my mind. It was too shocking to know about drugs. Alice is not the only one drug taker, there are millions of them and thousands of them die every year. WE have to do something to stop people taking drugs, because “After you had it, there isn’t even life without drugs.”(83).


Blogger sarah parkieee said...

The quote is definitely true and very outspoken. I think drug addiction is a big problem, and maybe we don't realize this because most people around us (in TCIS) are innocent compared to people out in the world. One of the things that I'm worried when I go to college is that I will face the reality where people take drugs. So although I didn't read the book, the quote really stimulated me to protect myself from any temptation. But I also wonder how that quote will sound to people who have already taken drugs? I know that the author's intention was to prevent people from taking drugs, but how miserable will people who have been addicted to drugs feel? While we should abstain from taking drugs, we shouldn't eliminate people who take drugs but help them to give it up and go forward in their lives

7:50 PM  
Blogger Keiju S. Hirasawa said...

Hey it is all about self-control isn't it? Drug;Once you take it in it never leaves, it's like a devil possesing you permanently. Maybe the only "happy ending" for Alice was death, a release from her defiled earthly body.
And yes, very few people manage to quit drugs after they've been addicted. I appreciate this quote very much and I hope a lot of people will be warned.
P.S. Stop taking drugs Joseph! LoL

4:08 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

.... i don't

6:02 AM  
Blogger Keiju S. Hirasawa said...

Just kidding! =D

9:12 PM  
Blogger HyunJai Cho said...

The quote you picked up is exactly the same as the one I picked up for my reading for pleasure see and say project. Go Ask Alice's story was very interesting to me because I thought people gets addicted to drugs only because they lack self-control but the reason rather seemed to be the outside pressure according to this book.

9:24 PM  

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