
Friday, March 09, 2007

TRJ #6 five star Q

“After you had it, there isn’t even life without drugs.”(83)

I chose this quote as “five-star quote” because this quote tells how scary and addicting drug is. And it is one of important theme in this book. Alice’s life is destroyed from drug. Alice seems like recovering herself as her family supports her, but she wasn’t. Her life was already destroyed and could not be fixed. I was shocked by epilogue in this book. Epilogue told me that Alice died three weeks after she stopped writing the diary. This whole diary leads to happy end. And I thought that I was a happy ending book. But it wasn’t, she became very happy, and much healthier than when she was taking drugs. I thought Alice will have happy life afterward, but I was wrong. As the quote says, there isn’t even life if you take drugs. I learned lots of things from this quote. How scary drug is and how it is being a major problem in this corrupted world. This quote was also written on the book cover. This quote gives very strong feelings and I knew that it was the five-star. I have finished my book, and that quote remained in my mind. It was too shocking to know about drugs. Alice is not the only one drug taker, there are millions of them and thousands of them die every year. WE have to do something to stop people taking drugs, because “After you had it, there isn’t even life without drugs.”(83).

TRJ #5 Original

Original- Make a journal entry that recommends people to read this book. Include the audience, character, main character, introduction of conflict, and reason why you recommend this book.

“Go Ask Alice” is very interesting book that I just finished reading. And I want to recommend people to read this especially to teenagers. This book came from a REAL DIARY of a teenager who takes drug. This book shows how terrible this world is and reveals how horrible the drug is. Alice, the main character in this book, was an ordinary girl who had no self-esteem. Lack of self-esteem leads her to start taking drugs. This book is basically about her drug-life. As I read through this book, I felt that world is corrupted, I also recommend this book to parents, and teachers who can save teenagers from corrupted side of the world. This book has lots of hidden lessons in it I have learned lots of things about happiness from this book and I feel like that I am understood more about the true happiness. I will not tell you how story ends, because it can ruin the story.
If you want to know more about how scary drug is I recommend you to read this book. It shows how drug can destroy a person’s life. If you want to know more about happiness, I recommend this book. It shows how people can become happy without drug. This book is very great book that reminded me of so many lessons that were very meaningful to me. I recommend this book to all of the teenagers in the world, and their parents.

TRJ #4 dialogue

Conversation between Alice, main character in the book, and Ray Charles:

Ray: Hello, are you Alice?
Alice: Yes…
Ray: I heard that you are taking drug and you are very addicted to it.
Alice: …
Ray: My name is Ray Charles and I was called as legendary musician in 1949-2000.
Alice: Oh.. I have heard your name!
Ray: I came here to tell you some thing
Alice: About what?
Ray: When I was working with my music, I once was addicted to drugs, like you.
Alice: Oh…
Ray: I came here to tell you something. I regret that I had drug, my life could have been much better with out drugs. There are lots of thing that can make you happy, drugs are not the only way.
Alice: Why did you start taking drug?
Ray: First I started taking it because I had very hard time and drug made me feel good. But you have to know that good-feelings that drug gives are just fake feelings. How about you? Why did you take it?
Alice: I was lonely, and had no self-esteem. But every time I take drugs, I felt that I am special and I felt that like I’m in the most beautiful place in the world.
Ray: But you have to know that it is a fake image.
Alice: Yes, I knew those images were not true. But I couldn’t stop taking it. “After you had it, there isn’t life without drugs” (83)
Ray: But you can get rid of it right now since there are lots of people helping you, right?
Alice: I will try…

Thursday, March 08, 2007

TRJ #3 personal

-I am almost half way through my reading, and lots of things happened in the story. Alice went to San Francisco, not telling her family. And she experiences very hard time, she got raped and she also took lots of drugs, which makes her come back to her family. When she came back to family and spends happy Christmas. Alice becomes very happy not from drug but from love of family. I felt that love of family is the true key to happiness.
-My mom and dad divorced when I was young, therefore I don’t even understand how happy it is to spend time with family. Of course I don’t remember spending Christmas with mom and dad. When I came home from elementary school, only darkness and loneliness welcomed me. My father came late after his work, and I had no one to share my school story with. So I always looked out the window and waited for my dad. On rainy days, when other kids were waiting for their moms to come and pick them up, I had to put my bag above my head and run through the rain because I knew that no one will bring umbrella for me. Sometimes when my grandmother and grandfather came to our house, I could talk to someone and that is the only happiness for me when I was young. Because of these reasons, When I read this part of the book which described the “family love” I was touched by how Alice’s family welcomed Alice even though she went to San Francisco without permission. I got little older and I am use to the loneliness, and I never cry because there is no one in the house. But this scene still touched my heart, I was happy to hear that Alice is with her family but also it was sad to think that I never had that kind of happiness before.
-I think this book is very meaningful, and I really enjoy reading this book. This book has lots of lessons in it even though it is a diary. And I am looking forward to find more hidden lessons in the book.

TRJ #2 the letter

Dear Alice

-Hi Alice, my name is Joseph Lee and I am reading “Go Ask Alice” which is your diary. How are you doing these days? It is pretty cold out here and it is still snowing even though it is March. While I was reading your diary, I felt I have to write a letter to encourage you to quit taking drugs.
- Drugs are very bad thing to take. I think you are also starting to realize this. You came back to home and felt what a true happiness is. But you took the drug again the next month. I feel very sad that you took that drug again. I think you also don’t like to take it, because you always write bad words on the day when you take the drug. I hope you will be normal again. Even though you take drugs, I know that you are not a bad person. I can see that you are having hard time, more than what you wrote in your diary. I’m a also teenager, but it is very rare to see teenager taking drugs in Korea. SO I don’t know much about drugs and I don’t know how hard it is to stop taking it. But I know that you can do it. You are very strong girl and I know that you will fight to escape the temptation of the drugs.
-Please know that I am cheering, and hoping you to success escape from the drug. Have a strong mind, and go Alice~

Joseph Lee

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

TRJ #1 Prediction

My book is called, “Go Ask Alice” and I read the beginning of this book and it really caught my attention. This book was extracted from a real diary. This book is about a fifteen-year old girl. I have been reading and knowing about the main character, Alice, she is an ordinary teenage girl who is in love. Very shocking fact was that in the book, she starts taking drugs. And since that moment, I started predicting lots of things about what will happen in the story.
My first prediction is that she will be addicted to drugs. Drugs are very bad thing to do because it is very addicting and she started taking it because of stress. The introduction of diary, on the day when she first tried drug, shows that she actually liked the drug.
“I only know that last night I had most incredible experience of my life. It sounds morbid when I put it in words, but actually it was tremendous and wonderful and miraculous.” (26)
From this quote, I could predict that she will be addicted to drugs soon, and she will struggle very hard time to quit it. I hope that Alice will have happy life, but I think she will struggle a lot because of this poison.
In conclusion, I am enjoying reading this book. Since I am also a teenager, I feel some kind of special feeling, that I also can be like her, and this feeling makes me to enjoy reading. When I finish this book, I will look at my prediction and see how it matches. I can hardly wait to read what will happen to Alice.