
Thursday, January 25, 2007

log # 2 good Introduction

This book has such a wonderful introduction, introduction of this book tells us about who the characters are. Introduction has a good hooker, a mysterious dream. I kept wondering what the dream means and it keeps me to concentrate to read this book. Also this book's introduction has lots of details and it helped me visualizing what is happening in the story. The mysteriousness totally hooked me up to read this book. Introduction usually determines how the reader will enjoy the book, and this book did very good job doing that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Joseph~ I picked this book up while I was in India and have just started to read it. It seems like a great book and I am hooked already. I too love the being and wonder, What on earth does his dream mean? Are all the people gypsies and just trying to trick him? Well, I doubt it, but I have no clue yet. I haven't read a fable in such a long time, that this is a nice change in genre for a little while. I am really excited to see if he'll marry the merchant's daughter and if he'll find his treasure. what is yet to come?? Well, I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the book!!!!

6:25 PM  

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